Mint(er) Condition.

I'd be lying if I said I remember the very day that I fell in love with art or the arts but I will say this, all of my life I've had a great admiration and love for music, I appreciated theater, film, fashion and all types of art.  I took part in and was exposed to so many different elements of art, that it became somewhat of a lifestyle.  Today I often see posts on social media of galleries, museums and such and although a breath of fresh air I know that in many cases these visits are merely for the photo opp.  Therefore, when I do step foot into a gallery, I make sure that I educate myself and then get an image or 10, lol. I try to separate myself from the crowd, I do my research and I've recently decided to take something tangible from the experience as well and in many cases its merch but in all cases my fiancĂ©  (until Fall when she becomes my wife) and I always leave with a dope image. We've decorated our home with images that we've both captured from art galleries, we've flooded our social media accounts with art work in hopes that we inspire others to support the arts as well.

For as long as I could remember I was heavy into arts & crafts. In 7th Grade when they told my parents that my school would be divided up into "academies with concentrations" I was placed in the Art & Music academy (yes i sang in Chorus too). I will forever remember those last 2 years of JR High because that was the most fulfillment I had received thus far in my education. Learning how to simply think outside the box when it came to creating was probably the biggest lesson I took away from that time. Art has helped me not only create my own identity, but it also taught me to be able to interpret all art, in your own way. I oftentimes mention how grateful I am that we can spend all this time in museums and finding hidden gems TOGETHER because I truly am the art geek, Omar is the amazing eye. 

A complete stranger took this photo that now hangs in a big 5x11 frame on my living room wall.  

January 29, 2017 at the Brooklyn Museum in Brooklyn NY.

This exhibit (PRETTY DIRTY by Marilyn Minter) was from Nov. 4 2016 - May 7, 2017
